BV News and Trends August 2022
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Put ESG impact in numerator, not denominator
Currently, there is no empirical evidence to support including the impact of environment, social, and governance (ESG) factors in the cost of capital, so it should be reflected in the cash flows.
How Judges Compare Competing DCF Analyses
Two valuation experts are far apart in their opinion of value using the income approach. What does the judge focus on when comparing the two analyses?
Feedback wanted on ‘social value’
The Social Value Working Group at the International Valuation Standards Council has released its second paper in a series that examines whether “social value” can be a basis of value, the difference between social value and the social component of ESG, and whether the existing valuation principle of highest and best use can apply to social assets and social value.
BV News and Trends June 2022
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
The DCF is ‘untestable,’ per new paper
The discounted cash flow method works fine for bonds but not for businesses, projects, or stocks because it is untestable, claims a new paper.
Highlights from the NYSSCPA BV conference
BVWire attended the New York State Society of CPAs’ Business Valuation and Litigation Services Conference, and—as always—it was an excellent event.
Health Clubs & Gyms: Working Out the Value
Come and get your reps in! Learn what you need to know about the valuation of health clubs. Whether the club is a franchise or a stand-alone, the unique aspects of health club valuations require specific industry research to be performed that can make a big impact on the outcome of the valuation. Expert Gary Trugman has done the heavy lifting, and, by attending this program, participants will avoid making some of the fatal errors ...
Free model helps take DCF a step further
In an article “Analytical Insights From DCF Value Analysis,” the authors include a free model business valuers can use to take their “DCF calculation a step further and analyze the resulting value into four components.”
BV News and Trends April 2022
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Typical Way to Estimate Long-Term Growth Is ‘Flat Wrong,’ Says Grabowski
New research calls into question the common practice of using long-term real GDP growth plus expected inflation in terminal values.
Sponsorships available for the AAML/BVR National Divorce Conference
Want to reach out to divorce attorneys?
Avoid This Mistake When Using an Exit Multiple in the Terminal Year
There is nothing wrong with using exit multiples on the terminal year of a DCF, but the devil is in the details.
Dates set for AAML/BVR National Divorce Conference
If you do any valuation work for divorce, you do not want to miss the National Divorce Conference, brought to you by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) and Business Valuation Resources (BVR).
Business Valuation Update Yearbook, 2022 Edition
January 2022 PDF (454 pages)
BVR (editor)
Business Valuation Resources, LLC
BV News and Trends December 2021
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Global BV News and Trends December 2021
Business valuation news from a global perspective.
BV News and Trends November 2021
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Global BV News: Latest issue of OIV Journal available
The spring 2021 issue of the journal of the Organismo Italiano di Valutazione (OIV), the valuation standards-setter in Italy, contains the following articles.
Warning to Business Valuers Looking to Use New ESG Ratings
A hot topic today is environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors and how to reflect the impact of these factors in business valuations and financial reporting. Data are starting to emerge to help quantify the impact of ESG—but analysts need to be careful in using these data.
Justifying hockey-stick projections
Valuation experts frequently receive from management what may appear to be an unrealistic forecast that starts off modestly but shoots up in future years as if by magic.
Business Valuation OIV Journal Spring 2021
Business Valuation OIV Journal has been created by Organismo Italiano di Valutazione (OIV), the Italian Valuation Standard Setter, to provide a forum for discussion and to foster cultural progress in the field of business valuation. In this issue, articles include "Cross-border DCF valuation in a nutshell"; "Level 3 reporting quality: trend analysis of derivative instruments’ restatements"; and "Business valuation and fundamental analysis."
BV News and Trends September 2021
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Examining the ‘Reasonably Objective Basis’ Concept for Projections
Recent developments have raised the bar with respect to how valuation analysts document financial projections and forecasts with regard to a “reasonably objective basis.” But what exactly is this concept and where can analysts look for specific guidance.
Damodaran’s strong feelings about ESG
A year ago, Professor Aswath Damodaran (New York University Stern School of Business) called it “the most overhyped, oversold concept in the history of business.”