Cost of Capital Professional—Straightforward, Credible, Cost-Effective (FREE WEBINAR)
The Cost of Capital Professional from BVR is a source of cost of capital information that integrates data from multiple credible sources, including the University of Chicago’s Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP), Professor Aswath Damodaran, Salvidio & Partners, and the U.S. Federal Reserve. The philosophy behind this resource is to provide valuation practitioners with an independent, economical, and transparent platform that empowers users to make professional judgments while avoiding the illusion of precision ...
Today! Free webinar on BVR’s cost of capital platform
Find out why over a third of survey respondents use BVR’s Cost of Capital Professional platform during a free webinar today, April 17, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:40 a.m. PT (1:00 p.m. to 2:40 p.m. ET).
Last chance! Take the Pepperdine survey on private capital markets
A recent BVR survey found that over a quarter (26%) of respondents use the Pepperdine Private Capital Markets Study to estimate the cost of equity.
Review of Surveys on Cost of Capital Data Sources and Inputs
The Kroll Cost of Capital Navigator continues to be widely used and accepted for estimating cost of equity (COE). But BVR’s Cost of Capital Professional has been gaining considerable steam since its launch in 2018, according to a BVR survey. Some other resources for estimating the cost of capital have also seen an uptick in usage.
BV News and Trends March 2024
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Kroll-recommended ERP remains at 5.5%—for now
The latest cost of capital infographic from Kroll has the firm’s recommended U.S. equity risk premium reaffirmed at 5.5% when developing USD-denominated discount rates.
Global BVU News and Trends February 2024
Business valuation news from a global perspective.
Hitchner’s annual review of need-to-know BV topics
Over 500 attendees listened to Jim Hitchner (Valuation Products and Services) do his annual review of recent need-to-know concepts, data, models, and methods in business valuation. Here are a few key points from the two-hour webinar.
Lower ERP likely for 2024, predicts Kroll
One of the “pivotal” trends for 2024 is a likely drop in the equity risk premium (ERP), predicts Kroll in its list of “10 Trends Shaping 2024.”
Today! Hitchner’s annual BV update webinar
BVWire looks forward to Jim Hitchner’s annual webinar where he reviews new concepts, data, models, and methods that have emerged in business valuation over the past year.
Global BV News: Pablo Fernandez needs your input
In their cost of capital analyses, many business valuers refer to a long-standing survey conducted by Professor Pablo Fernandez (IESE Business School, Spain).
BV Year in Review 2023: Recruiting Push
The business valuation profession continued to thrive in 2023 amid ongoing challenges, such as how to reflect uncertainty, inflation, and market volatility in valuations. But another issue loomed large in the profession: attracting and retaining new young talent.
Reminder: The 2024 Pepperdine private cost of capital survey is open
Each year, Pepperdine University conducts an annual survey of expected rates of return with respect to private companies.
Damodaran posts his second data update for 2024
Focusing on the equity markets in the U.S. and across the world, Professor Aswath Damodaran (New York University Stern School of Business) has posted his second data update of 2024.
Damodaran posts his first data update for 2024
At the beginning of each year, Professor Aswath Damodaran (New York University Stern School of Business) generously posts a great amount of data on his website that include risk-free rates, equity risk premiums (ERPs), corporate default spreads, corporate tax rates, country risk premiums, and other data—all of which are free.
The 2024 Pepperdine private cost of capital survey is now open
It’s that time again!
Kroll conducts survey of cost of capital inputs
In the last issue, we presented results of several surveys on the various resources practitioners use for estimating cost of capital.
BVR survey reveals COE data sources of choice
While the Kroll Cost of Capital Navigator continues to be widely used and accepted for estimating cost of equity (COE), BVR’s Cost of Capital Professional has been gaining considerable steam since its launch in 2018, according to a BVR survey.
Update on Current Inputs for Valuations Amid High Inflation
Carla Nunes and Jim Harrington, both with Kroll, present two very helpful charts on long-term inflation expectations and projections for long-term real GDP growth. The charts include the sources for developing the estimates.
Global BVU News and Trends December 2023
Business valuation news from a global perspective.
Kroll releases Valuation Insights Q4 2023
In the Q4 2023 edition of Valuation Insights, Kroll experts provide a recap of current global economic and financial market conditions and discuss the implications of a higher cost of capital on valuations, M&A, and IPO markets in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 2024.
BV 2023, Year in Review: Top 10 List
The year 2023 was full of change. How have high interest rates and market volatility impacted the cost of capital and minority discounts? What were some of the top cases impacting business valuation? What does the new lease accounting standard mean for valuations? What has changed in tax regulation? In this webinar, we highlight 10 major topics that impacted business valuation in 2023 and discuss implications to valuators in the upcoming year.
Hitchner Updates the Risk/Return Spectrum for Cost of Capital
A good visual to use for checking the reasonableness of your cost of capital estimate is the spectrum of rates in the market. Jim Hitchner (Financial Valuation Advisors Inc.) has done an update to this spectrum, which can be used in valuation reports and in court.
BV News and Trends November 2023
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Valuation in Times of High Inflation
Over the past year, inflation rates as measured by the U.S. Consumer Price Index have moderated but remain well above the Federal Reserve’s long-term target rate of 2%. The Federal Reserve continues to take measures to control the elevated levels of inflation by raising interest rates and tightening monetary policy. With elevated inflation levels and high interest rates, valuation analysts continue to be challenged with incorporating these macroeconomic trends into the valuation of closely held ...