Estate and Gift: The Complete Valuation Package (A BVR Workshop)
Unwrap all things estate and gift in this engaging session with Marissa Turrell and Carla Glass. This presentation will assume a basic understanding of business valuation, of both operating companies and holding companies, and focus on specifics related to valuing ownership interests for estate and gift purposes. Some topics will focus on issues that arise only in valuation for gift and estate purposes, such as seminal court cases on the matter, Chapter 14, working with ...
Recap of recent BV cases of note
A number of recent cases have emerged that contain various valuation issues.
Iowa Supreme Court Allows Reduction in Value for Transaction Costs but Refuses to Allow a Reduction for Built-In Capital Gains Tax
This case was decided, on appeal, under the Iowa “election-to-purchase-in-lieu-of-dissolution statute.” The Iowa Supreme Court decided that, because the parties’ experts had “both included transaction costs in their valuations under a net asset approach, the district court’s failure to reduce the asset values to account for the costs to liquidate the corporation’s assets warranted reversal.” Additionally, since there was no evidence of an intention to liquidate the company or its assets, the court declined to adjust for the built-in gains tax consequences urged by the majority shareholder.
Guge v. Kassel Enters.
This case was decided, on appeal, under the Iowa “election-to-purchase-in-lieu-of-dissolution statute.” The court decided that, because the parties’ experts had “both included transaction costs in their valuations under a net asset approach, the district court’s failure to reduce the asset values to account for the costs to liquidate the corporation’s assets warranted reversal.” Additionally, since there was no evidence of an intention to liquidate the company or its assets, the court declined to adjust for the built-in gains tax consequences urged by the majority shareholder.