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What It’s Worth: Valuing Dental Practices

January 2025 PDF (150 pages)

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

Drill deep into the unique concerns of valuing dental practices. Fully understand how these firms operate, the nature of their revenue streams, value drivers, the industry environment, the risks involved, and other key factors for valuation professionals and any other stakeholder in a related business.  Learn more >>

Beach v. Beach

A vestige of the COVID-19 era, a PPP loan, was the central issue in the Ohio appeals court’s reversal of the trial court’s judgment. The trial court vacated the parties’ Oct. 21, 2021, decree of dissolution of marriage. The husband had applied for a PPP loan of $9.4 million and did not notify the wife or either of the parties’ experts. The reversal by the appeals court was based on the date of valuation, agreed to by both parties, predating the PPP loan. As shown in a number of cases in different jurisdictions, the date of valuation became a critical issue in determining the value of a marital estate.

Ohio Court of Appeals Reverses and Does Not Allow Consideration of PPP Loan After Valuation Date

A vestige of the COVID-19 era, a PPP loan, was the central issue in the Ohio appeals court’s reversal of the trial court’s judgment. The trial court vacated the parties’ Oct. 21, 2021, decree of dissolution of marriage. The husband had applied for a PPP loan of $9.4 million and did not notify the wife or either of the parties’ experts. The reversal by the appeals court was based on the date of valuation, agreed to by both parties, predating the PPP loan. As shown in a number of cases in different jurisdictions, the date of valuation became a critical issue in determining the value of a marital estate.

RESEARCH UPDATE: Monthly Recap of Research Papers October 2024

The featured paper is from 2021 but escaped our radar. The authors are Lauren A. Cooper (West Virgina University), James A. DiGabriele (Montclair State University), Richard A. Riley, and Trevor L. Sorensen (West Virgina University). Other papers examine an algorithm for PE IRR, assessing macroeconomic risk, global economic recovery from COVID-19, and the payment timing of deferred income taxes.

Big Four Focus on Practice Management at the ASA Fair Value Conference

The lingering effects of COVID-19, remote work, competitive pressures, and new technology are presenting challenges like never before. At the recent ASA Fair Value Conference in New York City, a panel of Big Four valuation practice leaders spent about half of their session on these matters.

A Channel Analysis Is Key When Valuing a Fast-Food Restaurant

There has been a seismic shift in the operations of limited-service restaurants since the pandemic—and there’s no sign of reverting. Channels of revenue have been upended. Therefore, an analysis along these lines is important when valuing these entities, advises an expert in this space.

BV News and Trends April 2024

A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

Is Your Subject Business Still Feeling the Effects of COVID-19?

The pandemic is over, but the symptoms may linger for a long time. For valuation analysts, the concern is whether the businesses they are appraising will be impacted over the long term—an impact that could be positive or negative. An example is the limited-service restaurant business, such as fast-food, pizza, coffee shops, and the like.

Valuers need to examine the lingering effects of COVID-19

The pandemic is over but not for some businesses that continue to feel the effects—and this impacts valuation.

No do-over for valuation of business hit by COVID-19

In a Wisconsin marital dissolution case, COVID-19 negatively impacted the husband’s hair salon business, which had to shut down for a while.

In re Marriage of Gill

The husband appealed the circuit court’s decision regarding his divorce decree and an order denying his motion to reconsider issues regarding the parties’ property division. He argued the circuit court erred in allocating less than half of the parties’ tax liability to the wife. He also argued the circuit court erred in denying his motion to reopen evidence regarding the impact of COVID-19 on his salon business. The appellate court rejected his arguments and affirmed the circuit court.

Appellate Court (Wisconsin) Affirms Trial Court Allocation of Tax Liability and Business Value in Divorce

The husband appealed the circuit court’s decision regarding his divorce decree and an order denying his motion to reconsider issues regarding the parties’ property division. He argued the circuit court erred in allocating less than half of the parties’ tax liability to the wife. He also argued the circuit court erred in denying his motion to reopen evidence regarding the impact of COVID-19 on his salon business. The appellate court rejected his arguments and affirmed the circuit court.

Healthcare Valuation: Marquee Topics 2023

The healthcare industry is a different place than it was even just three years ago. The combined result of the COVID-19 pandemic, regulatory changes, and reimbursement shifts have transformed the landscape for all healthcare industry stakeholders. This presentation will provide an overview of what we anticipate to be the most important topics of 2023 (from investing in behavioral health to increasing private equity and venture capital involvement) and their associated implication for healthcare valuation.

What BV developments did you miss in 2022?

Now’s your chance to catch up on all things BV with the latest editions of two BVR yearbooks.

2023 Overview of the Marijuana Industry: The Coming Wave of Consolidation and Beyond. Opportunities Abound!

The session will explore current trends and engagement opportunities in the cannabis industry. The continuing conflict between federal and state laws and regulations, coupled with the economic impact of inflation, the illicit cannabis market, and the aftermath of the COVID pandemic pause have resulted in a perfect storm for an incredibly unique industry. Recreational use of marijuana is currently legal for adults in 21 states and Washington, D.C., while medical marijuana is legal and available ...

BV News and Trends December 2022

A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

Embracing Subjectivity: The Illusion of Precision in BV

Nothing keeps a valuator up at night more than “squishy numbers.” Everyday someone comes up with another “objective quantitative method” that eliminates subjectivity. But guess what? Many of the methods are actually increasing the subjectivity exponentially and creating the illusion of precision. In this rip roaring session, we will shine a light on all of the subjective areas of the valuation process and learn to embrace it.

Embracing the Hockey Stick: Alternative Approaches to Formulating and Assessing Projections

The question of projections may be one of the most challenging elements of a business or intellectual property appraisal. Most business appraisers will be placed in a position of assessing projections, including projections another appraiser provided. Join Michael Blake for an exploration of the quantitative and empirical methodologies for creating and/or validating projections. As a result of this class, you will gain exposure to potentially new tools to help make your projections more robust and ...

Goodwill impairments YTD 2022 are up, per Kroll analysis

Risky financial markets and an uncertain economic environment add up to increased goodwill impairments.

Take a fresh look at your long-term growth rate, says Grabowski

Do you estimate a long-term growth rate by taking long-term real GDP growth plus expected inflation? If you do, you may want to reconsider, according to recent research by Roger Grabowski (Kroll) and Ashok Abbott (West Virginia University).

Important Provider Compensation Topics in 2022

To begin a dialogue on important topics in physician compensation and fair market value, PYA surveyed more than 30 physician compensation experts to understand the collective thoughts on issues impacting these topics in 2022. These issues range from compensation for advance practice practitioners to value-based compensation. Please join PYA Senior Manager Katie Taylor as she discusses key physician compensation issues in 2022 ...

Coronavirus Updates for 24 U.S. Industries

The latest news from the Vertical IQ industry research platform.

BV News and Trends June 2022

A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

New trends help eateries build business

Virtual restaurants—commercial kitchens that operate through delivery services and do not have a physical dine-in space—are increasing due to the coronavirus pandemic, reports the Vertical IQ industry research platform in a recent “Coronavirus Update” for the restaurant industry.

A Nation Getting Older: Valuing Senior Citizen Focused Companies

Join Vanessa Claiborne to learn the latest market trends in senior living, including the impact of the pandemic on value, key valuation metrics, and the short- and long-term outlook for valuations. With discussions on both skilled nursing and senior housing, this event will assist you in practical ways. Don’t miss this distinguished event.

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