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FVS adds state-by-state economic damages calculation study

ABV credential still going strong, Town Hall attendees told

Don’t Miss the AICPA Healthcare Industry Conference

Calculations, appraisals–and how to satisfy clients

APB asks for experts on contingent consideration

Last chance to comment on AICPA working drafts

AICPA seeks input on Goodwill Impairment Practice Aid

IPR&D guide is ready for public comment

The draft of FinREC's IP R&D practice aid is available.

AICPA posts exposure draft of goodwill impairment guide

Quote from the latest AICPA BV Hall of Fame member...

What's your opinion of the AICPA's ABV?

When is it appropriate to use a calculation of value in court?

A step towards standards unification from NACVA and IBA

Three Google research tricks for appraisers from Lang

176 - 200 of 238 results