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Bowling Centers

This industry comprises establishments engaged in operating bowling centers. These establishments often provide food and beverage services.

Document Destruction

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing day-to-day business and other organizational support services (except office administrative services, facilities support services, employment services, business support services, travel arrangement and reservation services, security and investigation services, services to buildings and other structures, packaging and labeling services, and convention and trade show organizing services).

Schools: Vocational and Training

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in furnishing academic, or academic and technical, courses and granting associate degrees, certificates, or diplomas below the baccalaureate level. The requirement for admission to an associate or equivalent degree program is at least a high school diploma or equivalent general academic training. Instruction may be provided in diverse settings, such as the establishment's or client's training facilities, educational institutions, the workplace, or the home, and through correspondence, television, Internet, or other means.

Schools: Educational and Nonvocational

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in furnishing academic courses and associated course work that comprise a basic preparatory education. A basic preparatory education ordinarily constitutes kindergarten through 12th grade. This industry includes school boards and school districts.

Title Abstract and Settlement Offices

This U.S. industry comprises establishments (except offices of lawyers and attorneys) primarily engaged in one or more of the following activities: (1) researching public land records to gather information relating to real estate titles; (2) preparing documents necessary for the transfer of the title, financing, and settlement; (3) conducting final real estate settlements and closings; and (4) filing legal and other documents relating to the sale of real estate. Real estate settlement offices, title abstract companies, and title search companies are included in this industry.

Rental Centers

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in renting a range of consumer, commercial, and industrial equipment. Establishments in this industry typically operate from conveniently located facilities where they maintain inventories of goods and equipment that they rent for short periods of time. The type of equipment that establishments in this industry provide often includes, but is not limited to: audio visual equipment, contractors' and builders' tools and equipment, home repair tools, lawn and garden equipment, moving equipment and supplies, and party and banquet equipment and supplies.

Valuation in Times of High Inflation

Over the past year, inflation rates as measured by the U.S. Consumer Price Index have moderated but remain well above the Federal Reserve’s long-term target rate of 2%. The Federal Reserve continues to take measures to control the elevated levels of inflation by raising interest rates and tightening monetary policy. With elevated inflation levels and high interest rates, valuation analysts continue to be challenged with incorporating these macroeconomic trends into the valuation of closely held ...

Valuing Assisted Living Facilities

This webinar will cover the basics of valuing assisted living facilities. We will look at valuation methods under each approach – cost, market, and income – and discuss pro’s and con’s of each. Before getting into each method, we will address industry factors and economic conditions pertinent to these valuations, as well as current topics and issues. An example valuation will be reviewed incorporating the methods and conditions discussed.

Cost of Capital in Cross-Border Valuations

Join Carla Nunes and James P. Harrington, both of Kroll (formerly Duff & Phelps), for a presentation about developing cost of capital estimates for cross-border (i.e., international) valuations. This presentation includes a comprehensive case study along with a framework for cross-border valuations and common errors to avoid. Hear a discussion of models and data sources, and see the models in action.

Business Valuation in Divorce Compendium, Fifth Edition Excerpt

Book Excerpts

 EXCERPT FROM: Business Valuation in Divorce Case Law Compendium 111 SW Columbia Street, Suite 750, Portland, OR 97201 (503) 479-8200 • www.bvresources.com FIFTH EDITION Copyright © 2020 by Business Valuation Resources, LLC (BVR). All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reprinted, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United ...

BVWire-UK, June 15, 2021, Issue #27-2


15 June 2021 | Issue 27-2 BVWire—UK is a free service from BVR focusing on the business valuation profession in the United Kingdom. We offer news and perspectives from valuation thought leaders, the High Courts, HMRC, the standard-setters, ICAEW, RICS, IVSC, and more. Please be in touch with your perspectives, news, and ideas—and pass this issue along to colleagues (complimentary sign-up instructions are here). It’s not your fault … after 6 April 2022 It’s a ...

DealStats Value Index Digest 1Q20201


 1 DEALSTATS VALUE INDEX DIGEST | 1Q 2021 bvresources.com/dealstats Value Index Digest 1Q 2021 HOW HAS THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IMPACTED EBITDA MULTIPLES IN 2020 With the COVID-19 pandemic putting a stranglehold on the U.S. economy for most of 2020 and causing an unprecedented economic impact on small businesses, this quarter’s DealStats Value Index captures the 12-month snapshot on how EBITDA multiples have trended. Taking into consideration the uncertainty the onset of the spread of the virus caused early in the second quarter of ...

Valuing Small Owner-Operated Business

Small owner-operated businesses have unique characteristics that are fundamentally different from other businesses. These differences should be taken into consideration when performing valuations. Join David Coffman for a dive into those characteristics and a detailed description on how they impact valuation procedures and conclusions. Learn about the market for small owner-operated business valuations.

Global BV News and Trends February 2022

Business valuation news from a global perspective.

Industry Updates for Firms Most Impacted by the Labor Shortage

The accommodation and food service sectors are especially feeling the pain of the current labor shortage, which can cause ripple effects on a valuation. Here are some recent updates for various firms in these sectors courtesy of the Vertical IQ industry research platform.

BVWire-UK, March 30, 2020, Issue #12-2


31 March 2020 | Issue 12-2 BVWire—UK is a free service from BVR focusing on the business valuation profession in the United Kingdom. We offer news and perspectives from valuation thought leaders, the High Courts, HMRC, the standard-setters, ICAEW, RICS, and more. Please be in touch with your perspectives, news, and ideas—and pass this issue along to colleagues (complimentary sign-up instructions are here). Houlihan Lokey anticipates increase in distressed loan valuations The ‘coronavirus-triggered economic ...

BVWire-UK, August 4, 2020, Issue #17-1


4 August 2020 | Issue 17-1 BVWire—UK is a free service from BVR focusing on the business valuation profession in the United Kingdom. We offer news and perspectives from valuation thought leaders, the High Courts, HMRC, the standard-setters, ICAEW, RICS, and more. Please be in touch with your perspectives, news, and ideas—and pass this issue along to colleagues (complimentary sign-up instructions are here). When market data are volatile, the best alternative is a more ...

Time to Take a Fresh Look at the Use of Transaction Databases

This is an adaptation of an article contained in the new fourth edition of The Comprehensive Guide to the Use and Application of Transaction Databases.

The Top Valuation and Damages Cases of 2020

Our pick of valuation-related court cases includes state and federal court decisions covering many areas of law that dealt with novel issues of law or, in some way, enhanced our understanding of valuation and damages issues as they arose in a litigation setting.

BVWire-UK, March 2, 2021, Issue #24-1


2 March 2021 | Issue 24-1 BVWire—UK is a free service from BVR focusing on the business valuation profession in the United Kingdom. We offer news and perspectives from valuation thought leaders, the High Courts, HMRC, the standard-setters, ICAEW, RICS, IVSC, and more. Please be in touch with your perspectives, news, and ideas—and pass this issue along to colleagues (complimentary sign-up instructions are here). MARKABLES report on brand values in the EU auto ...

Bankruptcy Case Law Compendium 3rd Edition Excerpt

Book Excerpts

 THIRD EDITION OMPENDIUM EXCERPT FROM Business Valuation and Bankruptcy Case Law Compendium THIRD EDITION 111 SW Columbia St, Suite 750, Portland, OR 97201 (503) 479-8200 • www.bvresources.com Copyright © 2021 by Business Valuation Resources, LLC (BVR). All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reprinted, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United ...

Management Projections Excerpt

Book Excerpts

 EXCERPT FROM BVR Guide to Management Projections and Business Valuation: Analysis and Case Law 111 SW Columbia St, Suite 750, Portland, OR 97201 (503) 479-8200 • www.bvresources.com Copyright © 2021 by Business Valuation Resources, LLC (BVR). All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reprinted, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of ...

BVWire-UK, September 7, 2021, Issue #30-1


7 September 2021 | Issue 30-1 BVWire—UK is a free service from BVR focusing on the business valuation profession in the United Kingdom. We offer news and perspectives from valuation thought leaders, the High Courts, HMRC, the standard-setters, ICAEW, RICS, IVSC, and more. Please be in touch with your perspectives, news, and ideas—and pass this issue along to colleagues (complimentary sign-up instructions are here). How important is business valuation? Business valuers are accustomed to risk ...

BVWire-UK, October 4, 2021, Issue #31-1


5 October 2021 | Issue 31-1 BVWire—UK is a free service from BVR focusing on the business valuation profession in the United Kingdom. We offer news and perspectives from valuation thought leaders, the High Courts, HMRC, the standard-setters, ICAEW, RICS, IVSC, and more. Please be in touch with your perspectives, news, and ideas—and pass this issue along to colleagues (complimentary sign-up instructions are here). HMRC closes family investment company review unit HMRC closed down their ...

Economy, Cannabis, Physician Pay, SPACs, and Expert Testimony Among the Hot Topics at the NJCPA BV Conference

Key takeaways from the 2021 New Jersey CPA Society’s Business Valuation and Litigation Services Conference are included.

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