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Hitchner shares his COVID-19 timeline

When was COVID-19 known or knowable for valuation purposes?

Alternate market-based valuation methods amid COVID-19

In order to use the market approach in the wake of the coronavirus, your approach will depend on the valuation date and the date the impact of COVID-19 was felt in the market.

Dietrich updates his landmark briefing on COVID-19

An important part of understanding the impact of COVID-19 on business value is understanding the virus itself.

Alternate Valuation Methods in the Era of COVID-19

The authors address the impact of COVID-19 on the capital markets and offer alternate valuation methods that should be considered in these turbulent times.

Timeline COVID-19 - Rosenfield and Co

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 4 Business Valuation Update May 2020 Business Valuation Resources A Revisit Of ‘knOwn OR knOwAble’ And subsequent events in the COvid-19 wORld Reprinted with permissions from Business Valuation Resources, LLC COVID-19 Timeline: A Timeline of Events Relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic nov. 17, 2019 • Earliest confrmed case of COVID-19—was not recognized as a new virus at the time.1 dec. 1, 2019 • A study by Chinese researchers pub- lished in the Lancet medical journal claimed the frst person to be diagnosed with COVID-19 started experiencing symptoms.2 dec.

Analyst develops a COVID-19 marketability discount

Valuation analysts have several ways to reflect the extra risk of COVID-19 on businesses, such as adjusting the cash forecast and tweaking the company-specific risk premium (CSRP).

How Should You Deal With COVID-19? 10 Tips From the NACVA Conference

The first major multiday, multitrack conference of the year, the NACVA and the CTI’s 2020 Business Valuation and Financial Litigation Super Conference, was held online over five full days in June. Business Valuation Update attended, and we found excellent speakers and interesting sessions, and the technical details all went smoothly. COVID-19 was a hot topic of discussion in a number of the sessions, so, here we present 10 takeaways on dealing with the pandemic’s impact on business valuation.

How to deal with COVID-19 for Dec. 31, 2019, valuations

Several BVWire readers have asked about how to treat the COVID-19 issue when you have a valuation date of Dec. 31, 2019.

Global BV News: Family firms in Italy weathered the COVID-19 crisis well

A study of listed firms in Italy found that family firms fared significantly better than other firms during the COVID-19 pandemic.

No do-over for valuation of business hit by COVID-19

In a Wisconsin marital dissolution case, COVID-19 negatively impacted the husband’s hair salon business, which had to shut down for a while.

Digging into COVID-19 is the key to understanding its impact on BV

Healthcare valuation expert Mark Dietrich (Mark O. Dietrich CPA, PC) has done over 100 hours of research digging into the “science” of COVID-19—its origin, how it spreads, protection methods, testing, and so on.

A Revisit of ‘Known or Knowable’ and Subsequent Events in the COVID-19 World

The authors have a recurring client for whom they perform an annual valuation as of December 31. They give a best practice suggestion as to how to address the coronavirus in their valuation report. The article includes a COVID-19 timeline they developed.

List of links to COVID-19 updates from the valuation community

If you click here, you can get a list of links to the latest insights, research, and guidance in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic published by various valuation organizations and professional bodies.

Global BV News: Auditors seek multiple scenarios for COVID-19 impact

To evaluate the possible outcomes of COVID-19 on valuation, auditors are looking for multiple scenarios for projections, reports a panel on a newly released webinar, June 2020 Update—COVID Webinar.

Dietrich reveals the ‘real story’ of COVID-19 for valuation experts

Weary of the endless finger-pointing and back-and-forth between media “experts,” healthcare finance and valuation expert Mark Dietrich (Mark O. Dietrich CPA, PC) spent several hundred hours going directly to the source data in various scientific journals and fact-based websites to uncover the real story of COVID-19.

Alternate Valuation Methods in the Era of COVID-19

COVID-19 has substantially affected the financial and economic characteristics of privately held and publicly traded businesses throughout the U.S. In this presentation, the presenters will address the valuation impact of COVID-19 and the potential distortions that can occur when traditional valuation approaches and methods are mechanically applied. In the current environment, it is important for analysts to think “outside-the-box” when performing business valuations with valuation dates occurring during the first and second quarter of 2020.

Force Majeure: Examining the Post COVID-19 Intercompany Agreement Reality

As COVID-19 continues to shift everyday life and the global economy, accounting professionals are looking for information to help guide their clients through these trying times. These organizations will lean on their in-house experience and should pay close attention to the lessons learned during the 2008 market crisis. Force Majeure is a clause included within an agreement that is commonly referred to as the “Act of God” clause.

Prepare now for future business interruption claims due to COVID-19

Now is the time to educate yourself on how to calculate damages from business interruption due to COVID-19, advised Kerrie Merrifield (Axiom Forensics) at the recent NACVA and the CTI’s 2020 Financial Valuation Virtual Conference.

Legal avenues for businesses coping with COVID-19 disruption and damages

In Franchising in the Time of COVID-19, an ABA panel recently discussed the scope of the disruption the pandemic has caused for franchisees and franchisors as well as legal doctrines on which franchisees/franchisors might rely to deal with the monetary damages to their businesses.

Should you consider a special COVID-19 premium?

During a recent webinar, a question came up as to whether or not valuation analysts should be separately identifying a risk rate associated with the impact of COVID-19 on a subject company.

IVSC’s Darling describes how business valuation during COVID-19 differs from the 2008 financial crisis

The IVSC, in collaboration with RICS, released a new video looking at the impact of COVID-19 on global markets, geopolitics, and the global economy on 20 April.

Understanding the Science of COVID-19 Is Key to Assessing Valuation Impacts

For the economy to recover, the origin, transmission, and “hot spots” related to the coronavirus have to be understood. Much of the economy is highly localized, so the nightmare of the spreading virus will impact future cash flow of the smaller businesses most valuation experts work with. This is an excerpt from the new “BVR Briefing: The Real Story of COVID-19 for Valuation and Litigation Experts.”

Tips on how to help settle a divorce during COVID-19

How do you resolve a divorce case during COVID-19, when many businesses in all kinds of industries are coping with significant losses and continuing uncertainty over future performance?

Business interruption and other legal claims arising out of COVID-19 crisis

Just as the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 brought businesses and economic activity to a sudden halt, an ABA panel discussed the grave effects on businesses and the legal doctrines available to business owners to mitigate the economic injury stemming from business interruption and unforeseeable circumstances.

VPOs to hold free webinar today, April 8, on COVID-19

The American Society of Appraisers (ASA), CBV Institute, Global Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (GACVA), National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA), and The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) will jointly host a free virtual town hall on how the COVID-19 pandemic will impact business valuation analysts and appraisal.

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