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Work File Checklist for Selecting Guideline Comps

Documentation requirements based on the Mandatory Performance Framework (MPF) for the Certified in Entity and Intangibles (CEIV) credential.

Business Valuation Update Yearbook, 2019 Edition

February 2019 PDF

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

BVR has you covered with the Business Valuation Update Yearbook 2019. This newest edition from the publishers of Business Valuation Update covers the year’s most groundbreaking and thought-provoking advancements in business valuation, and more. This critical desktop reference keeps you ahead of your peers with on-the-ground reporting from valuation experts, thought-leaders, and BVR’s editorial team. Learn more >>

BVU Yearbook 2019 Excerpt

Book Excerpts

BVR has you covered with the Business Valuation Update Yearbook 2019. This newest edition from the publishers of Business Valuation Update covers the year’s most groundbreaking and thought-provoking advancements in business valuation, and more. This critical desktop reference keeps you ahead of your peers with on-the-ground reporting from valuation experts, thought-leaders, and BVR’s editorial team.

CEIV: Ready, Set, Go!

The new CEIV credential is upon us, as well as the new requirements of the Mandatory Performance Framework (MPF). As appraisers prepare to get the credential, they have many questions. This presentation will focus not only on the basics of the new credential and MPF, but it will also discuss practically what appraisers must consider when obtaining the credential. Join Bill Johnston for a discussion of the many implementation considerations of the MPF. Also covered ...

Business Valuation Update Free Issue

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Download an issue of the Business Valuation Update to see all the latest and most important business valuation news and case updates.

Prospective Financial Information: Understanding and Applying the New (and Old!) Valuation Guidance

Management-prepared forecasts and projections, collectively referred to as prospective financial information (PFI), serve as the critical foundation for discounted cash flow methods. A recently issued document, "Application of the Mandatory Performance Framework (MPF)," provides suggested guidance for valuation professionals regarding the evaluation and use of PFI. David Dufendach will address key aspects of the new guidance that impact PFI, including the following concepts: professional skepticism, reasonably objective basis, and discount rate derivation.

Valuation of Small Promissory Notes

Privately held promissory notes (typically $0 to $10 million) need to be valued for gift/estate, tax, and related party transactions. However, bonds from publicly traded companies are not comparable because publicly traded companies are large, diversified, and represent much less risk. Note buyers typically discount the outstanding balance of privately held notes to yield a return of 12% to 20% depending on the collateral and other risk factors. Since corporate bonds yield around 4% to ...

Litigation Services Sixth Edition Excerpt

Book Excerpts

The Litigation Services Handbook is the definitive guide for financial experts engaged in litigation services. Attorneys require financial experts now more than ever, and this book provides the guidance you need to provide a high level of service as witness and consultant. Enhance your litigation skills as you delve into the fine points of trial preparation, deposition, and testimony; project authority under examination, and hold up to tough questions under cross-examination.

Select Court Opinions from BVLaw

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See select court opinions from the BVLaw database including Adams v. Commissioner, Estate of Andrews v. Commissioner, Bardahl Manufacturing Corp. v. Commissioner, and many more.

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