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Washington Court Explains Principle Guiding Double-Dip Analysis

Appeals court says there was no double dipping where the business, valued under an income approach, was a going concern, not a fixed asset, and would continue to generate income for owner spouse with which to pay maintenance award to nonowner spouse.

Washington state court clarifies double-dip analysis

Double dip, like goodwill, is a challenging issue for valuators because different states have handled it differently, which makes it hard to keep up with the various approaches.

Alerding comments on Washington state double-dip analysis

A recent double-dip decision out of Washington state prompted a reader’s request for comment from veteran valuator Jim Alerding (Alerding Consulting).

Washington Court Explains Principle Guiding Double-Dip Analysis

Appeals court says there was no double dipping where the business, valued under an income approach, was a going concern, not a fixed asset, and would continue to generate income for owner spouse with which to pay maintenance award to nonowner spouse.

BVLaw Alert, January 24, 2017, Issue #63-1


Issue #63-1 | January 24, 2017 Washington state court clarifies double-dip analysis Double dip, like goodwill, is a challenging issue for valuators because different states have handled it differently, which makes it hard to keep up with the various approaches. A recent appeals court decision from the state of Washington explains the key principle at work in that jurisdiction’s double-dip analysis. The issue arose when the husband appealed the trial court’s decision to award the wife ...

In re Marriage of Cheng

Appeals court says there was no double dipping where the business, valued under an income approach, was a going concern, not a fixed asset, and would continue to generate income for owner spouse with which to pay maintenance award to nonowner spouse.

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