What Business Appraisers Can Learn From the GameStop Saga
The lesson for appraisers in this saga is to be aware of potential pricing issues when using guideline public companies in the Reddit orbit. In the short term, the underlying price may not be representative of its “fundamental value” during the volatile period.
Price Versus Value: A Transaction and Litigation Perspective
According to disciples of modern portfolio theory and its efficient market hypothesis, shares of public companies should always trade at a price equivalent to their economic value, making it impossible for investors to experience short-term arbitrage profits. But try to explain that theory to any hedge fund manager or day trader who purchased or sold GameStop Corp.
A Closer Look at BVR’s New Guideline Public Company Comps Tool
BVR is excited to announce the release of its new Guideline Public Company Comps Tool (GPCCT), a state-of-the-art, web-based platform that offers access to complete financial statements, financial ratios, and multiples for comparable companies—and even includes an Excel add-in.
New guideline public comps tool makes public debut
A large audience watched the first public demo of an affordable alternative to existing platforms on the market that appraisers use for the guideline public-company method (GPCM).
New tool emerges for guideline public comps
Unprepared appraisers may struggle with capturing the effect of today’s volatile economy on the value of a subject company.
Advance look at BVR’s new guideline public comps tool
In late March, a free trial will be available for BVR’s new Guideline Public Company Comps Tool (GPCCT), which has been built exclusively for the business valuation community.
Guideline Public Company Comps Tool
Top five business valuation tips from recent training webinars
As a busy business valuation professional, you may not always have the time to attend training events. We’ve compiled the top five tips from recent BVR webinars on the most timely and important topics in the profession.