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Sample case law digests added to BVLaw

What's your opinion of the AICPA's ABV?

‘Minority premium’ model may not comply with FMV standard

When is it appropriate to use a calculation of value in court?

Fourth tax case to uphold defined value clause

Valuation issues central to new case law digests at BVLaw

Nevada adopts ‘Delaware’ approach to fair value

Sample case law abstracts added to BVLaw recently

Can the IRS subpoena your draft report, despite FRCP 26?

FASB amends ASC 820 today

A step towards standards unification from NACVA and IBA

AICPA FVS Executive Committee submits comments to the DOL

The Appraisal Foundation looks to fill trustee vacancies

IVSC reviews discounted cash flow valuation method

201 - 225 of 274 results