Guides, Books & Special Reports

BVR publications bring you the most up-to-date thought-leadership in the valuation profession with guides, books, and special reports on the most timely topics.

Fair Value Measurement: Practical Guidance and Implementation, 3rd Edition

January 2020 Hardcover (512 pages)

Mark Zyla

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Fair Value Measurement provides hands-on guidance and the latest best practices for measuring fair value in financial reporting. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) have all updated their guidelines for practitioners, and this book details the changes from a practical perspective. Learn more >>

2019 Discount for Lack of Marketability Study

July 2019 PDF

Bruce A. Johnson, James R. Park


The 2019 Discount for Lack of Marketability Study provides objective rate of return measures to implement the Johnson/Park Empirical Method for determining a discount for lack of marketability (DLOM) for the valuation of interests in privately held corporations and partnerships. Learn more >>

The State of Legal Cannabis Markets – 7th Edition

June 2019 Hardcover, PDF

Arcview Market Research

As the cannabis industry grows–for both investors and operators–market intelligence becomes a significant source of competitive advantage. The seventh edition of this report leverages the most robust and accurate database of millions of actual point-of-sale data created by BDS Analytics, making market projections and estimates better informed, and allowing us to bring you more granular and precise data than ever before.  Learn more >>

FactSet Mergerstat Review, 2019

May 2019 PDF

FactSet Mergerstat

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

The FactSet Mergerstat Review–U.S. Edition is the cornerstone of any mergers and acquisitions library. This must-have resource delivers comprehensive rosters, data and statistics on merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions that involve U.S. companies, including privately held, publicly traded and cross–border transactions, and also lists unit divestitures, management buyouts, and certain asset sales. 
Learn more >>

Business Valuation in Divorce Case Law Compendium, Fourth Edition

April 2019 Hardcover, PDF

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

With in-depth analysis from BVR’s legal team, the new Business Valuation in Divorce Case Law Compendium, Fourth Edition is an indispensable tool for every divorce professional to stay ahead of the game. Now updated with five new chapters and 40 new cases that have helped shape the landscape of business valuation in divorce proceedings, this must-have compendium offers advice from top business valuation experts.

Learn more >>

Architecture and Engineering Business Valuation and M&A Transaction Study, Seventh Edition

February 2019 PDF

Rusk O'Brien Gido Partners

Rusk O'Brien Gido Partners

Now in its seventh year, this study examines data from 261 distinct stock transactions collected via a confidential online survey. All data is analysed and compiled by Rusk O’Brien Gido + Partners’ team of accredited business appraisers. Learn more >>

Architecture and Engineering Business Valuation and M&A Transaction Study, Sixth Edition

February 2019 PDF

Rusk O'Brien Gido Partners

Rusk O'Brien Gido Partners

Now in its sixth year, this study examines data from 167 distinct stock transactions collected via a confidential online survey. All data is analysed and compiled by Rusk O’Brien Gido + Partners’ team of accredited business appraisers. Learn more >>

Business Valuation Case Law Yearbook, 2019 Edition

February 2019 PDF

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

The Business Valuation Case Law Yearbook, 2019 Edition is essential for business appraisers and attorneys who want to stay ahead of their peers on the most important legal issues brought up in business valuation-related cases. With in-depth analysis from BVR’s legal team, the lessons learned in this book help appraisers reach better and more defensible valuation conclusions. And, attorneys who retain appraisers as financial experts learn how their experts can help them win (or lose) in court.  Learn more >>

Business Valuation Update Yearbook, 2019 Edition

February 2019 PDF

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

BVR has you covered with the Business Valuation Update Yearbook 2019. This newest edition from the publishers of Business Valuation Update covers the year’s most groundbreaking and thought-provoking advancements in business valuation, and more. This critical desktop reference keeps you ahead of your peers with on-the-ground reporting from valuation experts, thought-leaders, and BVR’s editorial team. Learn more >>

Milliman 2018 Northwest Executive Compensation Survey

November 2018 PDF (89 pages)



The Northwest Executive Compensation Survey provides unique reference information regarding executive compensation practices within Northwest companies. This survey covers personnel in the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho and is the only comprehensive source of data on executive compensation, benefits, and perquisites within the Northwest. Learn more >>

2018 Discount for Lack of Marketability Study

July 2018 PDF

Bruce A. Johnson, James R. Park


The 2018 Discount for Lack of Marketability Study provides objective rate of return measures to implement the Johnson/Park Empirical Method for determining a discount for lack of marketability (DLOM) for the valuation of interests in privately held corporations and partnerships.  Learn more >>

FactSet Mergerstat Review, 2018

May 2018 PDF

FactSet Mergerstat

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

The FactSet Mergerstat Review is the cornerstone of any mergers and acquisitions library. This must-have resource delivers comprehensive rosters, data and statistics on merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions that involve U.S. companies, including privately held, publicly traded and cross–border transactions, and also lists unit divestitures, management buyouts, and certain asset sales. 
Learn more >>

Architecture and Engineering Business Valuation and M&A Transaction Study, Fifth Edition

April 2018 PDF

Rusk O'Brien Gido Partners

Rusk O'Brien Gido Partners

Now in its fifth year, this study examines data from 169 distinct stock transactions collected via a confidential online survey. All data is analysed and compiled by Rusk O’Brien Gido + Partners’ team of accredited business appraisers — individuals with decades of experience valuing privately held architecture and engineering (A/E) firms. Learn more >>

What It's Worth: Valuing Paving Contractors

April 2018 PDF

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

In BVR's new special report, What It’s Worth: Valuing Paving Contractors, you’ll get advice from top experts who work with this industry on a daily basis. You'll learn the best methods to apply when valuing a paving company and gain critical insights on industry trends and risks.  Learn more >>

Business Valuations and the IRS: Five Books In One

March 2018 Softcover (852 pages)

Michael Gregory

Birch Grove Publishing

Business Valuations and the IRS:Five Books in One, written by expert Michael Gregory, is specifically for business appraisers, expert witnesses, and those who work with or may need to work with the IRS regarding business valuations.This must-have publication aids the reader in understanding classification, the IRS review processes and structure, and how to resolve conflicts with the IRS. Learn more >>


