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Brown v. Progressive Mt. Ins. Co.

This order dealt with Progressive Insurance Cos. and Progressive Premier Insurance Co. of Illinois’ motion to exclude portions of the expert testimony of Dr. Michelle Lacey and dealt with the motions of the plaintiffs to exclude portions of the expert testimonies of Marc Spizzirri and Dr. Jonathan Walker.

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Dettloff-Meyer v. Meyer

The husband in this divorce case appealed the circuit court ruling that relied on the purchase price of the business less than a year before the valuation date. The purchase was made from the wife’s parents at a price the parents determined of $500,000, most of which was goodwill. After an initial ruling from the circuit court accepting the value less debt of the husband’s expert, the wife asked for a reconsideration. The Circuit Court granted the reconsideration and found a value of the business of $45,230. The husband appealed the reconsidered decision of the circuit court. The appellate court determined that the circuit court’s use of the purchase price was not erroneous.

Wisconsin Appellate Court Affirms Purchase Price as Value of the Business in a Divorce Matter

The husband in this divorce case appealed the circuit court ruling that relied on the purchase price of the business less than a year before the valuation date. The purchase was made from the wife’s parents at a price the parents determined of $500,000, most of which was goodwill. After an initial ruling from the circuit court accepting the value less debt of the husband’s expert, the wife asked for a reconsideration. The Circuit Court granted the reconsideration and found a value of the business of $45,230. The husband appealed the reconsidered decision of the circuit court. The appellate court determined that the circuit court’s use of the purchase price was not erroneous.

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