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Court Case Digest
Delk v. Delk

An FDA investigation resulting in a large fine and impairment of the business was not known at the valuation date and thus was not allowed in determining the value of the business for marital estate purposes.

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Eleventh Circuit Affirms Tax Court’s Valuation of Trust’s Interest in LLC

Affirming FMV conclusion, appeals court says Tax Court did not err in focusing less on details of methodology parties’ appraisers used than on larger issue of whether hypothetical seller would be able to force distribution of majority of LLC’s assets.

Court Rejects Expert’s Regression Equation to Determine DLOM

In determining the fair market value of a revocable trust’s interest in an LLC, the Tax Court adopts the IRS expert’s marketability discount and valuation; he rightly assumed it was reasonably foreseeable at the time of the decedent’s death that the trust ...

Estate of Koons v. Commissioner

In determining the fair market value of a revocable trust’s interest in an LLC, the Tax Court adopts the IRS expert’s marketability discount and valuation; he rightly assumed it was reasonably foreseeable at the time of the decedent’s death that the trust ...

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