News Category: legislation

20 Points to Consider for Valuations Under the New Tax Law

Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was enacted, BVR has been gathering opinions and observations from valuation experts about the impacts of the new tax law on valuations. Here's a list of some points to consider that is by no means exhaustive but is a good starting point. Read more >>

Healthcare industry hit most by FCA in 2016

Over half of the $4.7 billion in settlements and judgments the government recovered in 2016 under the False Claims Act (FCA) were from the healthcare industry. Allegations often revolve around the measurement of the fair market value of physician compensation. Read more >>

Will an ACA overhaul derail value-based payments?

Healthcare reform has been moving the industry away from the traditional fee-for-service revenue model in favor of one where revenue is based on the quality of care. Will the ACA repeal-and-replace efforts under the new Trump administration put the brakes on this? A healthcare valuation expert comments. Read more >>

IRS inundated with comments on proposed IRC 2704 regs

Over the past week, over 100 new comments have been submitted to the IRS about the controversial proposed Section 2704 regs designed to rein in estate tax valuations. That brings the total comments to almost 200, but it's hoped that many more will come in before the due date of November 2. Read more >>

Appraisers see spike in engagements due to proposed Section 2704 regs

At the ASA Advanced Business Valuation Conference last week in Boca Raton, Fla., valuation practitioners told us that they are seeing an increase in valuation engagements triggered by the proposed Section 2704 regulations. They expect the increased business to gain steam as the regs continue to sink in with attorneys, wealth planners, and clients. Read more >>

Challenge to new Section 2704 regulations is shaping up

The accounting, valuation, and legal professions are hard at work to defeat the Treasury Department's proposed Section 274 regulations. The new regs would curtail, if not entirely eliminate, valuation discounts in family-controlled entities. Read more >>

Act now to avert tough IRS crackdown on estate valuations

Well-crafted comments can change the course of the controversial proposed IRC Section 2704 regs designed to curb estate valuation discounts. There's a concern that, if these regs are finalized as proposed, the federal government will go after valuation discounts in other contexts. Comments are due by November 2, and there's a public hearing in Washington on December 1. Read more >>

Dreaded IRS estate valuation discount regs released

The Treasury has released long-awaited proposed IRC Section 2704 regulations designed to curb estate valuation discounts. It appears that the proposed regulations eliminate almost all minority discounts for closely held entity interests, including operating businesses owned by a family. The proposed regs have triggered a strong response from the valuation community, legal profession, and others. Read more >>
