News Category: global business valuation
/ November
Takeaways from the ASA-CICBV Toronto conference
Posted in: BVWire News
Written by: Andy Dzamba
Categories: business valuation accrediting organizations cost of capital discount for lack of marketability (DLOM) discounts & premiums global business valuation
Tags: american society of appraisers (ASA) cost of capital discount for lack of marketability (DLOM) international institute of business valuators (IIBV) roger grabowski shannon pratt
Categories: business valuation accrediting organizations cost of capital discount for lack of marketability (DLOM) discounts & premiums global business valuation
Tags: american society of appraisers (ASA) cost of capital discount for lack of marketability (DLOM) international institute of business valuators (IIBV) roger grabowski shannon pratt
/ November
Global BV education debate
Posted in: BVWire News
Written by: Andy Dzamba
Categories: business valuation accrediting organizations global business valuation valuation profession news
Tags: american society of appraisers (ASA) canadian institute of chartered business valuators (CICBV) global business valuation education international valuation standards council (IVSC) KPMG pricewaterhousecoopers (pwc) RICS valuation certification
Categories: business valuation accrediting organizations global business valuation valuation profession news
Tags: american society of appraisers (ASA) canadian institute of chartered business valuators (CICBV) global business valuation education international valuation standards council (IVSC) KPMG pricewaterhousecoopers (pwc) RICS valuation certification
/ April
RICS enters the business valuation training fray with IVS-compliant "Core Business Valuation Techniques"
Posted in: BVWire News
Written by: David
Categories: appraisal standards and regulations global business valuation
Tags: international valuation standards RICS training valuation certification
Categories: appraisal standards and regulations global business valuation
Tags: international valuation standards RICS training valuation certification
/ January
BVLaw update: Flawed valuation undercuts ResCap noteholders’ diminution in value claim
Posted in: BVWire News
Written by: Andy Dzamba
Categories: bankruptcy case law analysis global business valuation
Categories: bankruptcy case law analysis global business valuation
/ December
USPAP special offer for limited time only
Posted in: BVWire News
Written by: Andy Dzamba
Categories: appraisal standards and regulations global business valuation
Tags: appraisal standards board (ASB) the appraisal foundation (TAF) USPAP valuation standards
Categories: appraisal standards and regulations global business valuation
Tags: appraisal standards board (ASB) the appraisal foundation (TAF) USPAP valuation standards
/ February
New IVSC paper on valuing liabilities
Posted in: BVWire News
Written by: David
Categories: global business valuation intangibles
Tags: international valuation standards international valuation standards council (IVSC)
Categories: global business valuation intangibles
Tags: international valuation standards international valuation standards council (IVSC)
/ January
IASB Chair remains on inconsistent application of impairment testing rules
Posted in: BVWire News
Written by: David
Categories: appraisal standards and regulations global business valuation
Tags: IFRS international valuation standards
Categories: appraisal standards and regulations global business valuation
Tags: IFRS international valuation standards
/ November
Rath moves to Globalview Advisors
Posted in: BVWire News
Written by: David
Categories: global business valuation valuation profession news
Categories: global business valuation valuation profession news
/ October
USPTO and EPO provide an early release of their collaboration to harmonize classification schemes
Posted in: Intellectual Property News
Written by: Randy
Categories: global business valuation intellectual property patents
Tags: international valuation standards patent united states patent and trademark office (USPTO)
Categories: global business valuation intellectual property patents
Tags: international valuation standards patent united states patent and trademark office (USPTO)
/ October
More push for valuation to become a ‘global profession,’ from IVSC
Posted in: BVWire News
Written by: David
Categories: global business valuation
Tags: international valuation standards international valuation standards council (IVSC)
Categories: global business valuation
Tags: international valuation standards international valuation standards council (IVSC)
/ October
International BV conference meets in Italy—along with presenters Grabowski, Glass, Mathews, Zyla, and more
Posted in: BVWire News
Written by: David
Categories: global business valuation valuation profession news
Categories: global business valuation valuation profession news
/ September
Word of advice: reconcile transfer pricing methodology with business valuation norms with respect to intangibles
Posted in: Intellectual Property News
Written by: Randy
Categories: global business valuation intellectual property purchase price allocation transfer pricing
Tags: accounting for IP best practices financial reporting for IP international valuation standards IP valuation research purchase price allocation transfer pricing
Categories: global business valuation intellectual property purchase price allocation transfer pricing
Tags: accounting for IP best practices financial reporting for IP international valuation standards IP valuation research purchase price allocation transfer pricing
- 1
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