News Category: cost of capital

How CCPro Enhances Your Valuation Reports

Getting accurate cost of equity and WACC estimates and CRSP size premia can be a big job. However, thanks to Cost of Capital Professional, developing your cost of equity estimates has gotten so much more streamlined. Let's take a look at some of the most beneficial features of this cost-effective and easy-to-use platform. Read more >>

A Look at the Income Approach

The Cost of Capital Professional platform provides you with a comprehensive range of tools that enable you to compute cost of equity and WACC estimates easily and effectively allowing you to determine your cost of capital with minimal fuss. The income approach is one such way to approach these valuations. What follows is a selection from a comprehensive article on the topic written by Jim Alerding. Read more >>

Top 10 observations on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) from the perspective of business valuation professionals

BVR caught up with practitioners at the most recent AICPA Forensic & Valuation Services (FVS) Conference to collect some thought-provoking observations on how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is impacting valuations. Practitioners are still grappling with understanding the new law’s many provisions, so this list is certainly not exhaustive, and the thinking will continue to evolve. Read more >>

Online global business valuation education from the iiBV, on your schedule and from any location

If you’re looking for global business valuation education—when and where you want it—check out four new e-learning courses from the International Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV) and Business Valuation Resources (BVR). Read more >>

BVR’s Cost of Capital Professional: What the experts behind this new platform have to say

BVR is excited to announce the release of its new Cost of Capital Professional platform, a state-of-the-art resource that provides a simple and transparent way to estimate cost of capital. We recently sat down with two of the individuals involved in the development of the new platform, Dr. Michael Crain and Ronald Seigneur, for a comprehensive Q&A. Read more >>

Should appraisers be guessing on company-specific risk?

Of all the components that make up the cost of equity (COE), the company-specific risk premium (CSRP) often has the biggest impact on your discount rate. And, while appraisers rely on hard data for all of the other inputs in the COE, the CSRP is more or less a guess—which can send your business valuation off course.​ Check out BVR's infographic. Read more >>

SECBA gets sneak preview of the D&P Cost of Capital Navigator

The hardcover version of the Duff & Phelps Valuation Handbook – U.S. Guide to Cost of Capital will no longer be published—it is being replaced by the Duff & Phelps Cost of Capital Navigator, an interactive online application. Read more >>

Private firms' cost of equity estimates may surprise you

Results of the “2017 Private Capital Markets Report" from Pepperdine University Graziadio School of Business and Management. BVR is a research sponsor in Pepperdine’s efforts in developing a private cost of capital method as a legitimate alternative to looking to the public markets. Read more >>

Damodaran updates data-rich cost of capital spreadsheets

Professor Aswath Damodaran (New York University Stern School of Business) has released new data posts and data sets updated for 2017 related to valuation and the cost of capital, including historical stock returns, implied equity risk premiums, country risk premiums, and more. Read more >>

Brexit's impact on cost of capital

The Brexit vote reinforces the need for internal consistency between the elements of cost of capital and the current economic environment, according to leading global valuation experts and finance professors. Also, there may be a “new normal” in terms of interest rates, risk premiums, and growth. Read more >>
