Brandz list of most valuable global brands for 2012 released

The value of the BrandZ™ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands rose 7% to $2.6 trillion in 2012, compared to a disturbing flat performance one year ago. Of the 13 categories analyzed, only technology and oil and gas showed negative growth, though technology companies occupy the top three spots in the 100, and 4 of the top 7.

Consumer categories experienced the strongest value appreciation, year-over-year:

Apparel: up 21%

Retail: up 17%

Personal care: up 11%

Automobiles: up 7%

Luxury: up 6%

Apple again leads the parade with a brand value of $185B, up slightly from 2012, followed by Google ($113.7B), IBM ($112.5B), McDonald's ($90.3B) and CocaCola ($78.4B).

Millward Brown, which produces the annual valuation of the top global brands, touts their methodology as being the most comprehensive because they include a step they call Brand Contribution: “…because the brand exists in the mind of the consumer, we have to assess its ability to stand out from the crowd, generate desire and cultivate loyalty.” The company conducts extensive consumer research, including face-to-face interviews, to add this component.
