Details of the lawsuit-settling Dupont and Monsanto cross-license agreement released
On March 26, DuPont and Monsanto announced financial terms of the technology cross-licensing agreements that also settled their patent and antitrust lawsuits relating to Monsanto’s Round-Up® resistant soybean seeds.
Under these agreements, DuPont Pioneer will make a series of upfront and variable royalty payments subject to future delivery of enabling soybean genetic material. It will make four annual fixed royalty payments from 2014 to 2017 totaling $802 million, and, beginning in 2018, DuPont Pioneer will pay royalties on a per unit basis for continued technology access to Monsanto’s Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield® and Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ seeds, with annual minimum payments through 2023 totaling $950 million. DuPont is providing more information in their 8-K, available at