Here’s a checklist of intangibles to look for in professional service organizations

Reported by the Montreal Gazette, Steve Harrar, a chartered business evaluator and partner with Nexia Friedman in Montreal outlines five types of intangible property analysts and IP managers alike need to locate and evaluate in professional services organizations. "Some businesses may have all of them, some only one. The idea is to identify which are the ones you can measure," and the valuation of these assets may determine the organization’s ability to secure funding.

  1. Marketing intangibles, which ktMINE defines as trademarks, trade names, trade dress, copyrights, service marks, domain names and logos.
  2. Client list.
  3. Copyrights.
  4. Patents, or manufacturing/process intangibles (though these would likely be found only in an engineering-type environment, don’t overlook them.)
  5. Contracts.
Harrar looks at intangibles outside of this list as goodwill.
