IP Business Strategies Drive Business Growth
Earlier this year, Dr. Sudeep Basu, Practice Leader, Innovation Services, Frost & Sullivan and Tyron Stading, CTO, Innography, joined together to discuss how IP impacts business strategies.
A dive into growth processes in organizations that involve multiple disciplines shows that more than 80% of them are impacted by IP: M&A, geographic expansion, new product development, competitive strategy, strategic partnering, outsourcing, and marketing and sales strategies.
The following functions require (what’s now known as) IP business intelligence:
M&A: technology due diligence, patent analysis
Investment decision: technology due diligence, IP valuation and analysis
Business development: funding analysis, value chain analysis, technology road mapping
Commercialization: strategy, standards, assessment, valuation of IP, licensing targets
Tech transfer: prioritization of licensing targets, onboarding
Competitive strategy & positioning: technology threat analysis, strategy, competitive benchmarking
Organizational awareness of IP’s strategic role is woefully behind. “The disconnect between how companies approach these processes and what best practices are can make all the difference between success and failure.”
On September 20th Mary Adams (I-Capital Advisors) will lead the BVR webinar “Analysis of the Intangible Drivers of Company Value.” In this 75-minute program, Adams will cover what every business valuation analyst needs to know in our increasingly knowledge-based economy.