Exclusive Licenses to Six Patent Groups Set for Auction
Auctions of IP are always of interest to IP valuators, as they search for elusive comparables. There are six exclusive licenses covering separate patent groups developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory that will be available for auction this week at the ICAP Ocean Tomo IP Auction on March 31st in Manhattan.
Here are the clusters, according to an ICAP Ocean Tomo Press Release:
1. Magnetostatic Communication: An advanced communication system that can transmit or receive audio data by modulating low frequency magnetostatic signals. The system can also be used for monitoring environmental or climate changes. Magnetostatic interactions are used in various applications involving nanomagnetic devices, whose worldwide market was at one time estimated to be $12 billion in 2009, though nanomagnetics appears to have had less impact than was once thought.
2. High Speed Imaging Techniques: An enhanced optical scanning system and methods for capturing high speed images. The imaging apparatus has high sensitivity in capturing transient events and appears to have application in various industrial and testing settings. This cluster would be found in a subset of the digital photography market, estimated to reach a global worth of $230 billion in 2013.
3. Smart Camera Interface: A user-friendly interface for actualizing various components of a multimedia system on user commands and a video surveillance system with superior features, such as distortion correcting elements, balanced resolution, and high zooming capabilities. The presumed need for security is driving the video surveillance market, which is expected to reach almost $40B in 2015, nearly have of which will be cameras.
4. Giant Magneto-resistive (GMR) Sensor: An enhanced magneto-resistive sensor for detecting and measuring localized magnetic fields and advanced techniques for their manufacturing process. Last year CompaniesandMarkets.com published a detailed report on this market.
5. Advanced Techniques for Monitoring Computer Network Performance: Automated techniques for measuring and analyzing the performance of distributed applications and network systems by using the communication protocols of each system. The disclosed techniques are useful for developing computer applications related to distributed network management, cloud computing, and commercial/enterprise software. If “citations” is an indication of value, and many think they are, the patents in this lot have been cited by SAP, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and Cisco.
6. Techniques Related to Automation of Complex Data Structures: An automated system and method for integrating and accessing multiple data sources within a data warehouse. The patent in this lot has been cited by such industry giants as Microsoft and IBM.
Contact information is in the press release, and more details are available from ICAP Ocean Tomo.