Intellectual Ventures (IV) May Be a Company to Watch

Intellectual Ventures (IV) is an IP development and licensing firm co-founded by Nathan Myhrvold, who once was Microsoft’s Chief Strategy Officer. IV claims to have acquired over 30,000 intellectual properties, which yield annual licensing revenues of $2B. Here’s a press release that may typify the type of arrangements IV seeks.

Now, IV has filed suit against four software security companies, plus five more technology firms, alleging patent infringement.  Get the details here. The filings and counter filings in this case should yield relative valuation data for those with software and technology company engagements.

Also, interestingly, IV stars in a surprise episode of... As the Smartphone World Turns...

For your continuing enjoyment, if you are watching the Smartphone wars, last month HTC entered into a long-term licensing agreement with IV wherein HTC “will have access to IV’s vast portfolio of more than 30,000 IP assets to defend itself and its subsidiaries from potential litigation.”  The proverbial "plot thickens"...or is it, "the noose tightens?"
