/ March
New resources for healthcare finance execs
BVR’s Healthcare Industry Finance and Value Resource Center has added several new resources to its roster of sources for news, analysis, and tools related to every aspect of value and financial leadership in the healthcare industry. The new resources, from the Healthcare Intelligence Network (HIN), are:
- Essential Guide to Physician-Hospital Organizations: 7 Key Elements for PHO Success, which describes the seven critical areas of PHO development, from defining the PHO mission to creating a data environment conducive to registry use, analytics, and active patient management;
- Guide to Value-Based Reimbursement: Profiting From Payment Bundling, PHO Shared Savings, and Pay for Performance explores emerging models of episode-based payments, physician-hospital organizations, and physician bonus structures; and
- Healthcare Trends & Forecasts in 2014: Performance Expectations for the Healthcare Industry, which is HIN's ninth annual industry forecast. It provides both a close look at what's keeping healthcare CEOs up at night and a dream prescription for sounder program management this year.