AMA Releases National Health Insurer Report Card
The American Medical Association’s recently released National Health Insurer Report Card is a critical tool in evaluating the payor mix of medical practices—specifically for practice managers, hospitals that employ physicians, and appraisers or accountants preparing financial statements who need to establish an allowance for uncollectible accounts. The report evaluates health insurers on several metrics including the timeliness of claim submission acknowledgement and the percentage of claims paid within 15 day time periods.
The AMA reports that for the “second year in a row, UnitedHealthcare came out on top of seven large commercial health insurers with an accuracy rating of 98.3%.” The AMA also found that Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield made the biggest improvement, jumping from an accuracy rating of 61.0% last year to 88.6% this year. However, the insurer also scored a significantly negative finding with an increase in claims denial.