BVWire News

4Q 2020 U.S. Economic Performance Indicators at a Glance: GDP, Consumer Spending, and Unemployment

In today’s constantly changing and evolving economy, business valuators must have a firm grasp of the current state in order to successfully complete a business valuation engagement. The Economic Outlook Update (EOU), published by BVR, digests expansive research from leading authoritative sources into convenient monthly and quarterly reports. Get a sneak peek at the 4Q 2020 EOU with a few key economic performance components showing insights on gross domestic product (GDP), consumer spending, and unemployment and personal income. Read more >>

Seven Techniques to Consider When Calculating Damages for Early-Stage Companies

Measuring lost profits damages for new or early-stage businesses can be a daunting task. Traditional damage analyses that rely on historical results are often meaningless since, by definition, startup companies usually lack a track record of operating results. Without an historical operating history for measuring lost profits, the damages expert walks a thin line between speculation and a reasoned analysis. Under most circumstances, to be admissible evidence, damage analyses require relevant and reliable factual bases. These legal and evidentiary requirements are often heightened when measuring damages for new businesses. Read more >>

Treasure Trove of Data in the 2021 Business Reference Guide

Business valuation experts can find a great deal of useful information in the Business Reference Guide (BRG) by Tom West, which has been updated for 2021. Now in its 31st year, the book contains the latest industry-related information including pricing tips, benchmarking information with comparison data, industry resources, and general industry data on over 600 types of businesses, including franchises. Read more >>

Top Expert Answers for Today’s Tough BV Questions

In BVR’s recent webinar, Power Panel: Live Expert Answers for Today’s Tough BV Questions, experts Jay E. Fishman, Michelle Gallagher, Ken Pia, and Jeffrey Tarbell covered various hot topics that affect the business valuation profession. These questions ranged from the basics, such as “What will 2021 look like?” to “What are your thoughts on the current state of the ESOP litigation environment particularly with the new administration coming in?” Here, we summarize five of the questions and answers. For more information, be sure to check out the complete recording and transcript of the session. Read more >>

Sink or Swim: The New World of Virtual Testimony

Most people do not realize how different it is appearing in court through virtual technology compared to being there in person. Valuation experts who have not yet had the “pleasure” of attending virtual hearings may be concerned about it—and rightly so. In person, you are in control of how you look and sound, but, when you are online, you are at the mercy of technology, which can make you look good—or very bad. Fortunately, at the recent AAML/BVR Virtual Divorce Conference, valuation experts and attorneys shared their experiences and tips for testifying in a virtual world. Read more >>

Business Valuation Year in Review 2020

What a year! In its 25 years, Business Valuation Update (BVU) has not seen anything quite like the year 2020. Virtually everything in the practice of business valuation changed, and BVU chronicled these developments as well as the latest thinking in methodologies, changes in regulations, court cases, new and updated resources, and practice-building ideas. Here’s a sampling of what we covered in 2020. Read more >>

Top 10 Tips From the 2020 AAML/BV Virtual Divorce Conference

Family law attorneys, valuation professionals, and industry experts connected virtually this fall to share advice during the Virtual Divorce Conference brought to you by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) and Business Valuation Resources (BVR). Here are the top 10 key takeaways from the many great sessions with top thought leaders in the profession. Read more >>

Get a Sneak Peek at Control Premium Data on Acquired Companies

Every quarter, subscribers to the FactSet Mergerstat/BVR Control Premium Study receive a Control Premium Study publication that includes a thorough analysis of controlling-interest transactions whereby the transaction results in the acquirer obtaining a 50.01% ownership interest or more in the target company. A controlling interest is considered to have greater value than a minority interest because of the purchaser’s ability to effect changes in the overall business structure and to influence business policies. Read more >>

10 Signs of Trouble with a Valuation Expert

It’s always very informative and helpful to listen to judges talk about the valuation cases they hear. At its annual conferences, NACVA regularly presents sessions with judges. At its Business Valuation and Financial Litigation Super Conference in June, a session included a panel of four judges and one moderator. The panelists shared their views of when they detect potential problems with appraisers when they are on the witness stand. Read more >>

Valuing Full-Service Restaurants: Six Key Considerations in Today’s Market

The final chapter on the impact of the pandemic on the full-service restaurant sector has yet to be written. In the meantime, thinking continues to evolve on conducting valuations in the current environment. In a new special report, What It’s Worth: Valuing Full-Service Restaurants, BVR covers the fundamentals and unique considerations for restaurant valuation—as well as how to assess the long-term outlook for consumer preferences and financial performance. Based on conversations, webinars, and conference sessions with many valuation experts, here are six pandemic-related issues you should consider. Read more >>

Pandemic Triggers Chances for Valuers in Exit Planning

One of the key takeaways from the recent ENGAGE 2020 conference sponsored by the AICPA was one of particular interest to business valuers. “The pandemic has created some temporary financial planning opportunities,” says Steve Siegel, JD, LLM, president of The Siegel Group. “If you have a client who plans to pass their business along to a child one day—while business values are low, this is a useful time to get a new business appraisal. If you wait, values may recover, and federal tax laws may be less generous to business owners seeking to transfer their interests to family members.” Read more >>

2Q 2020 U.S. Economic Performance Indicators at a Glance

Business valuators must have a firm grasp on the current state of the economy in order to successfully complete a business valuation engagement. Many finance and valuation professionals rely on economic components and indicators as a key point of reference in their work. These components can have a significant impact when valuing businesses, evaluating mergers and acquisitions, and performing a variety of other financial analyses. Read more >>

The Benefits of Establishing Reasonable Compensation

We find it perplexing how often S corp. owners—who invest in their business with an eye on the future and carefully analyze the cost/benefit of every decision—take a short-term, simplistic approach to reasonable compensation: Just pick the lowest possible number to minimize payroll taxes. Read more >>

Business Valuation Practitioner Specializations Are Gaining Momentum

Back in 2012, BVWire ran a news item reporting that the era of the business valuation generalist was over. Since then, this notion was reinforced in ongoing coverage. For example, we reported in 2015 that attorneys look for specialized skills when engaging an appraiser. Today, the advice to specialize continues to resonate. Read more >>

How Should You Deal With COVID-19? 10 Tips From the NACVA Conference

The first major multiday, multitrack conference of the year, the NACVA and the CTI’s 2020 Business Valuation and Financial Litigation Super Conference, was held online over five full days in June. Business Valuation Update attended, and we found excellent speakers and interesting sessions, and the technical details all went smoothly. COVID-19 was a hot topic of discussion in a number of the sessions, so, here we present 10 takeaways on dealing with the pandemic’s impact on business valuation. Read more >>

10 Time-Tested Ways to Build a Defensible Divorce Valuation

Business valuations prepared for divorce purposes can be much more challenging than valuations can be for other purposes because the rules differ among jurisdictions. There are no clear valuation guidelines for divorce in most states. For example, there’s no specific definition of value in state statutes governing divorce. Also, divorce courts exercise a great deal of discretion—even if there is an abundance of judicial precedent (which can be confusing and contradictory). Read more >>

Industries Most Affected by Coronavirus (Top Performing and Hardest Hit)

Vertical IQ is the leading provider of industry intelligence for those advising small- and medium-sized businesses, and their research team is working to provide updates on how COVID-19 affects industries, sectors, and economies. As the situation surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to develop, industries are experiencing the impacts in various ways. Read more >>
