How CCPro Enhances Your Valuation Reports
Getting accurate cost of equity and WACC estimates and CRSP size premia can be a challenging endeavor. However, thanks to Cost of Capital Professional, developing your cost of equity estimates has gotten so much more efficient. Let's take a look at some of the most beneficial features of this cost-effective and easy-to-use platform.
Thoroughly Vetted Data—The CCPRO platform is built on a solid framework with data that are sourced from highly credible information sources such as Aswath Damodaran, Salvidio & Partners, CRSP, and the Federal Reserve. Furthermore, CCPro uses data going back as far as 1928. This enables you to build highly effective analyses that can paint a more vivid picture of market trends over time.
Data Transparency—Any claim you make has to be verifiable, and CCPro makes that easy by enabling you to see all the components of your cost of capital calculations including citations for all of the sources that were used in the calculations. Given that Business Valuation Resources is not affiliated with any financial institution, you can be sure that the methodologies and results are independent and objective, as expected by courts, the Internal Revenue Service, and professional standards of practice such as USPAP, IVS, and VS100 (SSVS-1).
Save Money—One of the most important elements of CCPro is its affordability: A year-long subscription comes in at just one-third of the price point of other comparable platforms.
Cost of Capital Professional Is a powerful resource for business valuators and analysts that provides a simple and transparent way to estimate cost of capital at a highly competitive price point, and the best part is that you can give it a try for free! Don't miss out on this practice-enhancing tool!