/ November
Congratulations to Bill Kennedy, and other updates from the FVS Annual Meeting
Bill's just rolling off after years of volunteer work as chair of the ABV Credentials Committee for the AICPA's Forensic and Valuation Services section.
Michelle Gallagher will be continuing in the leadership of the committee--so talk to her if you have questions about the ABV exam!
The FVS has been participating in a series of ongoing business valuation projects, including:
- An expanded SSVS toolkit
- Their white paper on Intangible Asset Valuation--Cost Approach Methods & Procedures
- involvement with the IVSC (highlighted recently at BVR's Lively Debate on International Valuation moderated by BVU's editor Andy Dzamba)
- three BV University sections
- 64 new people passed the ABV exam in 2014 so far (another exam date starts this week)
- the AICPA Divorce Conference