/ April
FMV DLOM Calculator has a new ‘filtering’ functionality—and a new, free companion guide
We’ve just updated The FMV Restricted Stock Study and with it the FMV Opinions DLOM Calculator. In addition to using a detailed, multistep FMV methodology for determining a discount for lack of marketability—including inflation-adjusted historical financials—the calculator now offers the following features to filter your selected dataset even further:
- Trim dates. The Calculator can now exclude any transactions after your valuation date.
- Registration rights. It can also develop a DLOM using only those transactions with (or without) registration rights.
- Holding period: You can now select a specific holding period or periods from two years, one year, six months, or “select all.”
- Premiums: A few of the transactions that pass FMV Opinions’ detailed screening process nevertheless post premiums (negative discounts). Users can now eliminate any “premium” transaction from their underlying dataset.
The ‘price’ hasn’t changed. The calculator is still complimentary to subscribers of The FMV Restricted Stock Study. To learn more, call 503-291-7963, ext. 2, or email sales@bvresources.com. Also new: We’ve just updated the 2013 Companion Guide to The FMV Restricted Stock Study; download your copy here.