More association news: TAF APB reviews workgroups on customer assets, control premia, and contingent consideration in Austin April 26

The next public meeting of the Appraisal Practices Board (APB) is Friday, April 26, 2013, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., at  The Sheraton Austin at the Capitol in Austin, TX.

As always, ABP meetings conflate the appraisal disciplines, so they can create a hodgepodge of discussion topics around issues related to real estate, business, and other appraisers.  This meeting is no different, starting out with discussions of comparable real properties and green buildings.   But then this meeting gets on to the three latest TAF workgroups-- 

·        VFR WG 2: The Valuation of Customer-Related Assets

·        VFR WG 3: Control Premiums for Financial Reporting

·        VFR WG 4: Contingent Consideration

The purpose of the APB is to "issue voluntary guidance on recognized valuation methods and techniques in the marketplace" to assist  appraisers, appraiser regulators and educators.  So it's always worthwhile to sit in on these discussions, and BVWire had covered most of these TAF public hearings on behalf of the business valuation community.

Contact The Sheraton Austin at the Capitol  at (512) 478-1111 for reservations.
