New executive director named for CICBV/ASA-supported international business valuation institute
The International Institute of Business Valuers (“IIBV”) announced earlier this week that it has hired Michael Badham, CA, CBV as Executive Director.
IIBV is an umbrella organization of professional business valuation associations working together to advance the business valuation profession globally. Business valuation is both an art and a science, and involves the process of determining the value of a business, business ownership interest, security or intangible asset. Business valuations are performed for many purposes including financial reporting, taxation, litigation, purchase and sale transactions and financial planning.
IIBV's vision is "to establish business valuation as a global profession, represented by pre-eminent national associations" through providing educational opportunities, promoting professional ethics and standards, facilitating the exchange of information and ideas, and encouraging international co-operation and communication.
In this regard, IIBV joins similar efforts to organize the business valuation profession internationally by RICS and IACVA. Clearly, there's some sorting out to be done as appraisers--and local organizations--solidify around the globe.
Michael’s primary focus will be the organization and presentation of IIBV’s program of business valuation courses and promote the vision and mission of the IIBV to business valuation organizations in the G-20 countries.
Lee Hackett, Chair of the IIBV Board of Directors, said, “We are pleased that the founding partners of the IIBV, the American Society of Appraisers and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators, have seeded the IIBV with course material and funds to enable the launch of the IIBV. The addition of Michael to the team will help ensure that the we achieve our goals.”
Badham can be reached at