/ September
NACVA's president Saltzman responds to recent BV credentials debate
Any viewpoint that one BV credential is better than another is “unfortunate,” says NACVA president, Scott R. Saltzman, CPA, CVA, ASA, CFFA, in response to the recent article by R.J. Dragon. “Each business valuation organization and/or credential has its own unique elements,” Saltzman adds. In particular, he’d like to point out the following concerning the NACVA training and credentialing process:
- The Consultants’ Training Institute does not “own” NACVA and the IBA, but offers training through them and “many other” alliance partners.
- To obtain the CVA, one must be a CPA, which is recognized “as one of the most difficult proctored exams in the world,” Saltzman says, dealing with financial reporting, accounting, legal, and income tax matters and requiring a minimum experience level in many jurisdictions.
- The AVA requires the applicant to have a business degree and/or an MBA, at least two years of BV experience, or to have completed 10 valuations; and both the CVA and the AVA require a case study or the submission of a redacted report (similar to the submission requirements of the IBA and ASA).