What publications do business appraisers read?

The most widely read business valuation periodical appear in the table below.  BVWire, BVR’s weekly ezine covering BV news, came up at the top, though since the BVWire distribution list was used to collect responses for the 2011 BV Firm Economics and Best Practices Guide, this result should be taken with a grain of salt.   The leading paid periodicals are the ASA’s Business Valuation Review, and BVR’s Business Valuation Update.

Which business valuation journals, publications, or blogs do you read?
BVR’s BVWire 76.7%
Business Valuation Review 71.7%
BVR’s Business Valuation Update 63.1%
Value Examiner (NACVA) 43.0%
ASA BV E-Letter 40.9%
Valuation Strategies (Thomson Reuters) 21.3%
Aswath Damodaran blog 17.1%
This is by no means an inclusive list, and respondents mentioned many other great publications:   CPA Expert, WMA’s Insights, Financial Analysis Journal, Chris Mercer’s blog, Business Appraisal Practice (from the IBA), and many more.
