Business Valuation Law News

Tales From the Trenches Episode No. 3—Quit Staring at Me

Some years ago, I was very active in valuing medical practices, so much so that I caught the attention of the Department of Justice, which had sued a hospital chain in Florida for Medicare fraud. The hospital chain had acquired more than about 100 medical practices from small practices in the area near their hospitals. Most were individual practitioners. Read more >>

Tales From the Trenches Episode No. 2—Who Wrote the Report?

In a very contentious litigation, I was called to testify as to the reasonable compensation for a receiver. A limestone quarry company had been involved in a family dispute over ownership, and the court had appointed a receiver to operate the company and conduct a sale of the company. Read more >>

Book Review: Shannon Pratt’s The Lawyer’s Business Valuation Handbook, 3rd edition

How many times have we been involved as an expert in a litigation case only to see the attorneys not understand business valuation, fumble with discovery, and waste their time and ours at great expense to the clients? This new 3rd edition of The Lawyer’s Business Valuation Handbook should help to correct those ills. Read more >>

Supreme Court Unanimously Includes Life Insurance Proceeds Intended for Redemption of a Shareholder in the Value of the Corporation in the Estate

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously on June 6, 2024, that “[a] corporation’s contractual obligation to redeem shares is not necessarily a liability that reduces a corporation’s value for purposes of the federal estate tax.” Let's take a closer look at this ruling. Read more >>
