Litigation involving valuation of medical practices continues to confound the Courts
The Kentucky Court of Appeals is among the latest, in Gaskill v. Robbins, 2012 Ky. App. LEXIS 22 (Feb. 3, 2012), to confront the professional goodwill and other issues relevant to valuing physicians’ offices. In this case, the Court confirmed the trial court’s reliance on a business valuation performed closer to date of petition (rather than date of decree), finding a variety of factors in support, including spouse’s dissipation of funds from the sole proprietorship. The experts in the case, Richard Callahan (husband); Steven Wheeler (wife), presented a multiple appraisal methodologies to Judge Lambert.
Whatever the issue with your medical clients--reasonable compensation, non-compete agreements, the impact of the Stark laws on value, or professional goodwill--all of these issues contribute to an already complex physician practice business model. Any attorney facing an issue of medical practice value should rely on BVR’s Guide to Physician Practice Valuation to dissect the legal and business issues. Mark Dietrich and other top healthcare appraisal experts deliver current and comprehensive “how-to” guidance on valuation approaches, the impact of supply and demand on value, and many more relevant topics unique to physician practice valuation.