On-line CLE series on financial damages analyses for litigation

Consider BVR’s new Online Symposium on Litigation & Economic Damages, a thirteen-part series of webinars that will cover advanced topics in appraisal for litigation and economic damages, such as:

  • On September 13th, attorneys Timothy Devlin and William Marsden Jr. (both Fish & Richardson) will present “Working with Financial Experts,” an in-depth discussion of how attorneys and financial experts can maximize their relationships—and client results—in litigation.
  • On September 22ndPart 2 of BVR’s Online Symposium will cover “Patent damages: The Entire Market Value Rule,” with expert Craig Jacobson (Citrin Cooperman & Co.) and attorney Stephen Lieb (Frommer Lawrence & Haug).

Curated by Nancy Fannon (Fannon Valuation Group) and Jonathan Dunitz (Friedman Gaythwaite Wolf & Leavitt), editors of the Comprehensive Guide to Lost Profits Damages for Attorneys and Appraisers, the Symposium will feature contributing authors to the Guide on a number of advanced and emerging issues.  Subscribers to the Symposium will receive automatic updates on programming and as well as access to BVR’s Litigation Desktop Learning Center, an online-multimedia library of all past BVR webinars relating to litigation and economic damages.  For more information on programs in the Symposium—including the estimated 26 CPE and CLE credits available—visit the Symposium main page.
