/ July
Divorce goodwill, and healthcare lost profits lead BVR’s training calendar this week and next
Join attorney Andrew Soshnick (Baker Daniels) and valuation expert James Alerding (Clifton Gunderson) for “Goodwill in Divorce” on Thursday, July 14. This 100-minute webinar will address the many problem areas in what has long been one of the most difficult part of any valuation for martial dissolution purposes: the allocation of personal versus entity goodwill.
On Wednesday, July 20 BVR’s Online Symposium on Healthcare Valuation continues with “Lost Profits Damages in Medical Practices.” Hosted by James Lloyd (Pershing Yoakley & Associates) and Symposium curator Mark Dietrich, this program will address how to apply the already tricky analysis of lost profits calculations to the challenges of valuing medical practices.