In the Comprehensive Guide to Lost Profits Damages for Experts and Attorneys, Robert Gray and James O'Brien define a financial expert's role as providing "a credible opinion regarding lost profits economic damages in a legal setting," adding that this expert must "demonstrate integrity and objectivity when presenting their professional opinions."
Over the course of this four-hour, intensive, and interactive workshop, Gray and O'Brien will show what every expert should know about the calculations that go into determining and quantifying lost profits and other economic damages. From proper planning through defining the scope of the damages period, estimating relevant revenues and avoided costs, and obtaining sufficient reliable data, these two experts will cover the lost profits calculation process from start to finish, using case studies and live examples. Best practices, as defined by the courts, professional standards, and years of experience, will also be discussed in the pursuit of providing attendees with the methodology to arrive at an accurate and defensible calculation of lost profits and economic damages.
The Advanced Workshop on Lost Profits Calculations
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