A supportable cost of capital estimate is a key ingredient in estimating the value of a business. The Duff & Phelps Valuation Handbook series is at the forefront in providing the cost of capital inputs (equity risk premia, size premia, industry risk premia, risk-free rates, country risk premia, etc.) that are used to develop cost of capital estimates, both in the United States and internationally. Join the Duff & Phelps team that produces the Valuation Handbook series in a special two-day webinar that shows you how to develop defensible cost of capital estimates and how to incorporate industry data into your estimates to make them even more supportable. This special two-part webinar will provide two case studies using the Duff & Phelps Valuation Handbook series. These case studies provide step-by-step guidance for developing cost of capital estimates in a straightforward, no-nonsense fashion, using multiple methodologies, and then layering in contextual industry data to make your conclusions even more compelling.
International Case Studies Using the Duff & Phelps Valuation Handbooks: Practical Application of the Valuation Profession's Most Relied Upon Cost of Capital Resource (Day 2 - FREE Webinar)
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