The Supreme Court decision in Halliburton II was a game changer in the strategic timing and tactical scope of event studies for both plaintiffs and defendants in “fraud-on-the-market” litigation. This decision accelerated the timing and elevated the importance of robust price impact analyses performed by valuation experts on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants. Attend this webinar and come away with important and specific guidelines for the execution of event studies in securities litigation post-Halliburton II. Learn the relationship between event studies and tests of the fifth Cammer factor, and prepare yourself for criticisms leveled by courts against statistical methods. Join Dr. Paul J. Seguin, expert and contributing author of a new chapter in BVR’s Comprehensive Guide to Economic Damages, for this in-depth event packed with benefits for any lawyer, financial expert, or valuation professional.
Event Studies in Security Litigation: Strategy and Tactics
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