Divorce Disputes: When Valuation Experts Disagree

BVResearch Pro
Training Event Transcripts
January 6, 2022
Jeff Robison
marital dissolution/divorce
goodwill, cash flow, market approach, terminal value, company specific risk


Valuations performed in the context of divorce litigation encounter scrutiny and challenge from opposing counsel and their experts. This puts experts in the unique situation of defending their analyses and opinions. Utilizing proper valuation techniques encompassed with supporting documentation, facts, and statistical market and industry analyses will enhance credibility by increasing an appraiser’s confidence level in his or her opinion. Join expert valuator Josh Shilts and Jeff Robison as they discuss areas in valuation that are commonly disagreed upon (i.e., cash flow, company risk, and goodwill) and methods they utilize in their practice to increase confidence and improve communication to mitigate disagreement.
Divorce Disputes: When Valuation Experts Disagree
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