Community Bank Valuation: What’s Happened Since the Great Recession

BVResearch Pro
Training Event Transcripts
July 18, 2013
Matthew C. Becker, ASA, CFA
Dwight R. Larsen, ASA


Boom or bust, appraising banks is a challenge. Five years after economic turmoil, those challenges are more prevalent than ever, as a new regulatory and economic environment continues to affect institutions that are still trying to clear balance sheets. In Community Bank Valuation: What's Happened Since the Great Recession, experts Dwight Larsen and Matthew Becker join BVR for a discussion on where banks have been in the past five years, where they are today, and where they're headed. While the challenges may never abate, this presentation is sure to provide clarity on how to meet them head on.
Community Bank Valuation: What’s Happened Since the Great Recession
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