Having long held a reputation as a confusing—even baffling—statistical analysis technique, Monte Carlo simulations have received short shrift in the valuation process as practitioners have opted for simpler, and more easily explainable techniques. In doing so, the valuation community has left out an important and useful tool from its analysis that could provide invaluable insights.
In the Advanced Workshop on Monte Carlo Simulations, experts David Dufendach and Jason Andrews explain the nuance and challenge of this valuation technique, removing its complexity and providing clarity for the valuation analyst seeking to harness this powerful tool. Over the course of this intensive four-hour workshop, Dufendach and Andrews will lead attendees through case studies and hands-on examples as they present from their Seattle offices via a live, interactive video feed. Never has there been a better opportunity to master the Monte Carlo simulation.
This presentation will rely on case studies and other examples of Monte Carlo simulations in action, shown without emphasis on computer programs, familiarity with which are not a prerequisite for this workshop.
Advanced Workshop on Monte-Carlo Simulations
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