There is no doubt that an accurate and reliable projection greatly aids a valuation for any purpose. Yet questions about management projections and forecasts have long posed challenges for appraisers: How can an appraiser verify the projections validity and accuracy? What is the best use for a projection or forecast once it's in hand? How can an appraiser best obtain projections? And, most importantly, what do you do when a projection or forecast is unreliable or nonexistent?
On May 5, expert Christine Baker and attorney Cynthia B. Rubin join BVR for the Advanced Workshop on Management Forecasts and Projections, an intensive three-hour event focusing on all aspects of projections, forecasts, and their uses in the valuation process. Through BVR's exclusive interactive web-workshop format, Baker will lead attendees through case studies, live examples, and tutorials live from ParenteBeard's Manhattan offices as attendees participate from anywhere via the internet.
Advanced Workshop on Management Forecasts & Projections
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