The emergence of recent studies, resources, and scholarship has created something of an evolution of how appraisers understand and implement cost of capital techniques. Despite the age and ubiquity of this valuation tool, new questions are being asked about how best to derive and apply its constituent parts to arrive at a reasonable and defensible conclusion of value. Driving the way are new questions regarding the make-up and application of data resources; the relative validity of CAPM and buildup methods; the relationship of size, liquidity, and other variables; and how to apply these methods in the face of international economic turmoil, fluctuations to previously risk-free benchmarks, and new measures of equity risk.
In the Advanced Workshop on Cost of Capital, BVR welcomes BV hall of famers Kevin Yeanoplos and Ron Seigneur for an in-depth examination of the state of cost of capital determination. Through their intensive, four-hour presentation, Yeanoplos and Seigneur will discuss what every appraiser should know in determining a cost of capital in today’s economy, using all available information, and taking into account current controversies.
Advanced Workshop on Cost of Capital
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