The Hypothetical Investor Test Is Not Limited to a Rate of Return Analysis

Business Valuation Update BVLaw
Legal and Court Case Update
May 5, 1999
federal taxation

Dexsil Corporation (Dexsil III) v. CIR
T.C. Memo. 1999-155
Federal Court
United States Tax Court


The Tax Court affirmed its earlier decision denying Dexsil an IRC sec. 162 deduction in excess of reasonable compensation.

See Also

Dexsil Corporation (Dexsil III) v. CIR

The Tax Court affirmed its earlier decision denying Dexsil an IRC sec. 162 deduction in excess of reasonable compensation. It rejected Dexsil's evidence of the annual rate of return for NYSE companies. The court found that the NYSE evidence did not indic ...