Tennessee Court Excludes Patient Files as Professional Goodwill in Dental Practice Valuation

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 16 No. 10
Legal and Court Case Update
October 2010
8021 Offices and Clinics of Dentists
621210 Offices of Dentists
marital dissolution/divorce

McKee v. McKee
2010 WL 3245246 (Tenn. Ct. App.)
August 17, 2010
State Court
Court of Appeals
Darrell L.Scarlett, James L.Weatherly
Tom Price (wife); Mike Hallum (husband)


Tennessee appellate court finds that patient records constitute professional goodwill value and are not a divisible asset in divorce.

See Also

McKee v. McKee

Tennessee appellate court finds that patient records constitute professional goodwill value and are not a divisible asset in divorce.