Royalty Calculation Depends on Cost of ‘Best Imperfect Substitute’

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 19 No. 4
Legal and Court Case Update
April 2013
2052 Cookies and Crackers
311821 Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing
intellectual property

Brandeis University v. Keebler Co.
2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 18948
January 18, 2013
Federal Court
United States District Court
Dr. Anne Layne-Farrar (plaintiffs); Michael Keeley (defendants)


In Daubert decision, district court finds expert erroneously based royalty calculation on the defendants’ maximum profits at risk should they fail to secure a license, rather than the cost of developing a “best imperfect substitute.”

See Also

Brandeis University v. Keebler Co.

In Daubert decision, district court finds expert erroneously based royalty calculation on the defendants’ maximum profits at risk should they fail to secure a license, rather than the cost of developing a “best imperfect substitute.”