Reasonable Compensation Is Focus of Restaurant Value in Shareholder Litigation

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 18 No. 6
Legal and Court Case Update
June 2012
5812 Eating and Drinking Places
shareholder dissent/oppression

Hubbard v. Phil’s BBQ of Point Loma, Inc.
2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 41884
March 27, 2012
Federal Court
United States District Court


Unanimous agreement among three appraisers persuades court to adopt their fair market value for a new restaurant, including deductions for reasonable compensation and rejection of DCF approach.

See Also

Hubbard v. Phil’s BBQ of Point Loma, Inc.

Unanimous agreement among three appraisers persuades court to adopt their fair market value for a new restaurant, including deductions for reasonable compensation and rejection of DCF approach.