Pivotal Ruling on Damage Calculation for SEP Infringement

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 22 No. 4
Legal and Court Case Update
April 2016
7373 Computer Integrated Systems Design
541512 Computer Systems Design Services
intellectual property
damages, lost profits, patent infringement, georgia-pacific, reasonable royalty, apportionment, entire market value rule (EMVR), ieee standard

Ericsson, Inc. v. D-Link Corp. (II)
773 F.3d 1201
December 4, 2014
Federal Court
Federal Circuit
United States Court of Appeals
Unknown (plaintiffs-appellees); unknown (defendants-appellants)


In dispute over infringement of standard-essential patent (SEP), Federal Circuit holds royalty must be apportioned to the value of the patented feature and must exclude any added value to the patented feature from standard’s widespread adoption.

See Also

Ericsson, Inc. v. D-Link Corp. (II)

In dispute over infringement of standard-essential patent (SEP), Federal Circuit holds royalty must be apportioned to the value of the patented feature and must exclude any added value to the patented feature from standard’s widespread adoption.